Registered Charity No. 274900


Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 6th June 2023 at Rushmere Golf Club commencing at 6.30pm




Mike Gilson (Chairman)

Alison Pledger (Vice Chairperson)

Ray Whymark

Diane Grayston

Kev Driver

John Adams

Mike Shields


Also present

Chris Kendall (Clerk)

Bob Gosden (Warden)



  1. Minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 30th May 2023



  1. Matters arising from the meeting held on Tuesday 30th May 2023

            Most of the matters arising will be dealt with at the meeting following the AGM.

            Update only – It was discussed that we need to deal with the burnt area near the 1st and Alison asked if we could use some of our finance reserves for this purpose. It was agreed that we will await contact from Greenways to see if they can help and Bob suggested that RGC may help too. Kev said that Cut N Clear It could clear some of the paths now.


  1. Management of the common

            Loss of heather -  a commoner has felt that there has been a loss of heather, but there is no general loss of heather, as it depends where you look on the common.

            Pond reeds - these will be dealt with in the autumn.


  1. Heath Warden’s Report

            Nothing to report since last week’s meeting.


  1. Draft accounts for the year ending 31/03/23

            Chris has arranged for the accountants to print out the accounts, including the three pages of notes regarding the income and expenditure figures.  Chris will briefly explain the change in accountants and method of reporting at the AGM.


  1. Preparation for AGM

Trustees – Alison, Kev and Ray are due for re-election.  And John has agreed to be co-opted again.

Draft minutes of AGM 2022 – these were checked and are all ok for taking to the AGM.


  1. Any other business

            Dog bags – Bob talked about he dog bag supply issues, and Chris will chase Suffolk Norse again for an update on when our delivery is due.

            RGC – the ‘day to day’ meetings will recommence in Aug/Sept.

            Ivy dumped opposite 67 Linksfield -  we will have a look at this situation.


  1. Date of next meeting

            Arranged for Wednesday 12th July at RGC commencing at 6.30pm.




Meeting ended at 7.05pm.


Mrs Chris Kendall

Clerk to Rushmere Commoners